How to generate a PDF from html.erb file..

Hello friends, I have a task in which i need to generate a pdf file from the html.erb file. and seriously i don’t have any clue. So pleas help me out…

Thanks abhishek

Be prepared to shell out quite a bit of money for the exorbant license fee, but:

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Looks like maybe a job for PHP which has a nice class library for doing PDF... Maybe somebody could port it to Rails?


Have a look at <;\. I have no experience using it, but it looks up to date and the templates are ok (as far as pdf generation goes..), e.g. <http:// pages/pdfs/show-06.rfpdf>.

Another option is to generate LaTeX documents using erb and post- process these using pdflatex. Should be doable in less than 50 lines of ruby, but IMO not practical unless you're comfortable with LaTeX.
