Just posted a little how-to about creating PDF files directly from Rails templates. Thought you all would enjoy it.
Just posted a little how-to about creating PDF files directly from Rails templates. Thought you all would enjoy it.
It’s actually quite easy. Download the files, include them in you rails app, and call 1 line of ruby code
Great stuff, I'll have to try this out.
I've bee looking to do exactly this for over a year!
Thanks! This is great and will be very useful. PDF is one of those things I had been putting off.
In case it is helpful for anyone else, I wrote up the installation steps and how I needed to modify it for use. http://www.nullislove.com/2007/05/30/easy-pdfs-from-rails/
(To mixplate: The Prince license is here: Prince - End User License Agreement My understanding is that it's free for non-commercial use. $495 for a single computer to use for commercial purposes. $3,800 to put it on a server for anyone to use.)
Thanks again, Kevin Skoglund
Cool take on it. A plugin might be nice to see as you suggested.
Post a comment on the blog with the link so people can check out your write-up too!