How to generate a form in rails 2.3.5

I am new to ROR and running 2.3.5.I want a simple form with some text boxes,password field,check box etc. How to generate a form in ROR?


Have you read

i read a bit .like it tell about to write a simple code like          <form action="/home/index" method="post">   <div style="margin:0;padding:0">     <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="f755bb0ed134b76c432144748a6d4b7a7ddf2b71" />   </div>   Form contents </form>                                        But i didnt explain in which file it should be written?


amritpal p. wrote in post #993489:

                                       But i didnt explain in which file it should be written?


Well, perhaps you would benefit from seeing a scaffolded response. At an OS prompt, type in:

ruby script/generate scaffold person first_name:string last_name:string

run the resulting migration, then take some time to look at the controller, model, and views created for a person / people.

That might give you some insight to how Rails works by default. Then you could answer your own question I think.