How to edit a record in the List, using Ajax?

1)in the list, change the Link "edit" to a link_to_remote calling the edit action, 2) add a div to the list.rhtml below the content loop and give it the id="ajaxform" 3) in the edit action, use respond_to to check if this is an ajax call:

#somewhere in the edit action the post to edit will be received ... @post = Post.find(params[:id])

respond_to do |request|   request.html   request.rjs {                    render :update { |page| page.replace_html :"ajaxform",:partial => 'form' }   } end

this code will surely not work out of the box, i think you still have to add the submit button, using page.insert_html :bottom, 'ajaxform', '<input type="submit" value="Save"'

or something like that... play around with it.