How to connect ruby on rails to mysql

Hi Friends,

i am new to ruby on rails, i want to connect mysql from ruby on rails, how i connect and how to operations like create and update delete . any one have idea please help me out

Thanks In Advance V.Venkateswara rao

Go read a tutorial.

Go read a tutorial.

Agreed, but do more than read it, work right through the tutorial in order to understand the basics of rails. The tutorial is free to use online.


Colin Law wrote in post #1095694:

For connecting mysql to your rails App follow below commands

  1. in terminal when your creating new App

rails new -d mysql (-d for database)

  1. Open your database.yml file (Appname/config/database.yml)

give password of your mysql at DEVELOPMENT and Testing

  1. rake db:create

4.rake db:migrate