How to cache page using gettext?

I use gettext to translate my application. But when i want to do caching, i met the problem?

How can i cache the page under different language, such as english, chinese. Then it will auto-load the related html file depend on user’s setting.

Does gettext support that caching mechanism?

Does anyone have some experience about this, thanks.


The newest Ruby-GetText-1.10.0 support Action/Fragment caching.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController   caches_action :show # Action cache    :   def show    :    :   end

  def create     @article =[:article])     if       expire_fragment(:action => "list") # Clear Flagment cache       expire_action(:action => "show") # Clear Action cache.        :        :    end end

# app/views/articles/list.rhtml <h1>Listing articles</h1> <% cache do %> #Flagment cache. Fragment cache <% end %>