how find selector on page?

please help solve the problem. i use rails4 + rspec2 + pry + capybara.

my test: describe 'albums?' do   it 'check albums page' do     user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)     visit user_albums_path(     expect(response.status).to eq(200)     expect(response).to render_template(:index)     binding.pry     expect(page).to have_selector('.albums_list_label')   end end

i run in console: rspec spec

and i output DOM response: [1] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::PersonsController::Albums>)> puts page.body

result: ..... ........ <h1>   <span class="albums_list_label" id="albumsListLabel">Список альбомов</span>     <span class="name">:: us7</span> </h1> ......... ............

but when i run: continue

i get follow error message: .F............ Failures:   1) AlbumsController index action check albums page      Failure/Error: expect(page).to have_selector(".albums_list_label")        expected to find css ".albums_list_label" but there were no matches

problem: element with class .albums_list_label contains in server response (DOM), but test is failed