How Extend AR Instance Methods?

I'm trying to extend AR with a method which needs to be available to both the class and the instance.

I've tried a gajillion permutations based on examples. I can get the method added to the Class, but not to instances.

This seems like a logical pattern to me, but it's apparently incorect.

module SpiffyMethods

  module MyMethods     def shared_method       return "Hello?"     end   end

  def self.included(base)     base.extend ClassMethods # works     base.include InstanceMethods # fails   end

  module ClassMethods     include MyMethods   end

  module InstanceMethods     include MyMethods   end end

Need a point in the right direction. Thx.

-- gw

module MyMethods   def self.included(base)     base.extend(self)   end

  def shared_method     "Hello?"   end end


Well, that was easy. :stuck_out_tongue:


-- gw