How do you count Booleans in a model ???


I'd like to knw how to count the number of trues or falses a boolean in my model contains...


create_table :opinions do |t|       t.boolean :agree end

In this migration... if :agree is true... that means that the user, for instance, agrees and if :agree is false, the user disagrees...

I'm trying o calculate is as follows....

o = o.agree = true

And then... When I do this...


it returns 1 wich is good...

But as soon as I want to know the number of Trues or Falses... doesnt work !!!!!


Opinion.count( :conditions => "agree == true" )

please somebody help me out with this....

Is there a way of counting the number of boolean values in your db ???



Try "=" instead of "==".

Opinion.count(:conditions => "agree = true")

Something like that worked for me with one of my models in script/console.

Regards, Craig

Craig Demyanovich wrote:


Opinion.count( :conditions => "agree == true" )

please somebody help me out with this....

Is there a way of counting the number of boolean values in your db ???

Try "=" instead of "==".

Opinion.count(:conditions => "agree = true")

Something like that worked for me with one of my models in script/console.

Regards, Craig

Opinion.count(:conditions => "agree = true") will work fine. I has thought Opinion.sum(:agree) will work fine too,but it didn't,this generate the sql: select sum('opinions'.agree) as sum_agree from 'opinions', and returns 0 forever,I copy this sql and execute it by hand,it will work fine just like the Opinion.count(:conditions => "agree = true").So it maybe some strange?

This is a database specific solution and would break on PostgreSQL for example.

A better way unless you really know what you are doing is:

Opinion.count(:conditions => {:agree => true})

Which will work on any database.


Opinion.count(:conditions => ["agree = ?", true])


Thx a lot guys !!!

Craig... I had already tried this before i came here to ask for help... Thx anyway !

Mikel, you saved me... That's exactly what I needed.. thx a lot !!!


Excellent point, Mikel.

Thanks, Craig