How do I run Instanrails alongside WAMP

I had initially installed WAMP on my local machine but as I am learning ROR I also downloaded Instantrails and run the install . However there is conflict because the ports needed are not available (used by previous WAMP install) . How can I run both environments side by side without conflict ?

electronicmonkey wrote:

I had initially installed WAMP on my local machine but as I am learning ROR I also downloaded Instantrails and run the install . However there is conflict because the ports needed are not available (used by previous WAMP install) . How can I run both environments side by side without conflict ?


Unless you really need WAMP, you could alway uninstall it, then install InstantRails. Or you could change the port assignments for InstantRails. Personally i use RubyStack from, i know that you can define the port settings during the install process.
