I’m trying to get this code to work similarly to link_to ... remote: true
, where I can hit a URL which returns JavaScript, and then the client runs it. It doesn’t seem like my code will work, because Turbolinks.visit
doesn’t seem to support that paradigm.
Any suggestions on how I might re-work this? Thanks.
<%= form_with(model: rig_return, url: '#') do |f| %>
<%= f.select(
options_for_select(["View Details"]),
{include_blank: false},
onchange: "javascript: perform_action(this, #{rig_return.id})",
onfocus: "this.selectedIndex = -1",
class: "form-control"
) %>
<% end %>
function perform_action(target, rig_return_id) {
let url = null
switch(target.value) {
case 'View Details':
url = `/inv_procure/rig_returns/${rig_return_id}.js`