You shouldn’t really need to call this within a controller. Rails uses a convention called MVC which means that the model, the view, and the controller concerns are all separate to themselves. Here’s the wikipedia article on it [] and here’s an entry in the Rails’ wiki for it as well []. It’s a really core convention in rails. distance_of_time_in_words is purely a view concern because it’s about output which is the view. The standard way to do this is to render a template [view] instead of constructing a string directly in the controller. Hope that helps.
It looks to me like you can subtract one date var from another & get a Rational that represents the number of days difference. You should be able to .to_i that to work w/it as a number.
It looks to me like you can subtract one date var from another & get a
Rational that represents the number of days difference. You should be
able to .to_i that to work w/it as a number.
Thanks, Roy. You are quite right. The reason it wasn't working for me
before was that I was making a silly ruby-n00b mistake of using the
symbols for the member variables, rather than the variables themselves!
( :completed - :due instead of completed - due) I didn't do that
anywhere else so I don't know what I was thinking.