The first question is where is this load going to hit your system. No point boosting Redis if PostgreSQL is the problem, no point booting PostgreSQL if the server is under powered.
You could waste a lot of time and effort if you don’t measure the problem first.
Currently, I don’t have problems. As I wrote, I am just expecting that most problems will be with DB’s.
I read about this problems in architecture of highload projects. And I know that relational model can’t scale for millions simultaneously requests. All projects use distributed DB for this problem, like Cassandra or Riak.
And I know, that for in-memmory db, you should build a cluster. Memcached, for example, has this functionality. But I am trying to find similar for Redis.
My question is not about concrete problem with such database’s, but it’s about best practicies or maybe succesfull experience to scale similar stack of technologies.
Do you have a good reason to believe that you will have millions of
simultaneously requests to deal with? What sort of request will they be,
will the be 99% reads and 1% writes or 50/50? The answer to that question
will determine how you approach the problem.
You should be able to determine the ratio to some degree from the existing
system - assuming you have a sufficient number of users.
The best practice is to measure the issues and then work forward, we could
spend our lives talking about how best to optimise an application but it
comes to nothing if we do not have real data to work with. Also the
measurements you take will allow you to see what improvement has happened
and if it was worth the effort.
For reference one of our systems is Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3, PostgreSQL 8.4,
512Mb ram, memcached and it handles from 800,000 to 1,700,000 requests per
day (but that works out to an average of 9 to 18 requests per second). If
you are expecting to handle 1,000,000 simultaneously requests (that is
1,000,000 requests per second) you would be looking at round 86,400,000,000
requests a day!
Most places, outside of Facebook, Google or international banks, are very
unlikely to experience the sort of load that you are anticipating. If you
really do plan to handle millions of simultaneously requests you will have
to start writing some very large cheques for the hardware you will need to
run this all on.
Actually millions simultaneously requests is starting to sound like you
shouldn't be using Ruby at all! Get a programmer from a bank to do this in
erlang for you.
Thanks Peter for answering me. The requests mostly will be the reads, approximately 70/30.
And I also thought about Erlang. But I don’t want to lose benefits from Ruby and RoR. What I want to create is some hybrid system with several languages. For example, Twitter still using RoR, but for back-end the use Scala. Some similar architecture, as in Twitter, I want to reach, but using Erlang instead Scala.
Also I know that projects like FB or Twitter use both distributed DB and
relational DB(MySQL), and I wonder Why do they use both models ? What
benifits do you get by this approach ?
The relational model allows you to store more complex data, arranging
that into multiple tables so that it can be easily joined using SQL.
If you have a need for more complex data then you need relational.
Databases that support relational also support other kinds of data
structures, for example, PostgreSQL allows you to store XML, JSON and
also column oriented data using hstore.
Companies use multiple technologies because they have multiple
different needs. In startups, having a single database is common. As
companies evolve they need more applications and databases, often of
different kinds.
I read about this problems in architecture of highload projects. And I know
that relational model can't scale for millions simultaneously requests. All
projects use distributed DB for this problem, like Cassandra or Riak.
And I know, that for in-memmory db, you should build a cluster. Memcached,
for example, has this functionality. But I am trying to find similar for
It isn't true that the "relational model can't scale", though I have
seen that comment before.
PostgreSQL supports multiple standby nodes, called hot standby, that
allows you to scale out the number of copies of the database, which
then allows you to scale. Achieving >100,000 requests per second per
node is possible, so doing millions can work also.
The key point is usually database writes. Scaling writes requires
multiple write nodes. The technique that everybody uses is sharding,
that is placing a subset of the data on separate nodes. As soon as you
use sharding you need to limit yourself to simple key read/write
operations. Complex operations that require access to multiple nodes
don't scale well, whether or not they use relational model or
relational databases. It's the type of request that is a problem, not
the underlying technology.
Oh, you’ve got a problem alright - and it’s called “premature optimization”.
As I wrote, I am just expecting that most problems will be with DB’s.
Stop expecting, and start MEASURING. Figure out how to load-test your application, and work from there.
I read about this problems in architecture of highload projects. And I know that relational model can’t scale for millions simultaneously requests. All projects use distributed DB for this problem, like Cassandra or Riak.
Wow, the MySQL team at Facebook is going to be really surprised that they’re not using MySQL:
All snark aside, measurement is the ONLY way to solve this problem.