help with validations


I am trying to use the new rails 3 validations and running into some issues.

for my password I have,

validates :password, :presence => {:on => :create}, :length => { :minimum => 5, :maximum => 16 }, :confirmation => true

the presence and length are creating problem.

I only want to be able to check for the password at create time to confirm if it is present.

at update time if someone enters the password it should still match the size limit but it they do not enter the password then it should not be looked at.

in my controller i have already added:

params[:user].delete(:password) if params[:user][:password].blank? params[:user].delete(:password_confirmation) if params[:user][:password].blank? and params[:user][:password_confirmation].blank?

to take care of any issue coming from that side.

any help or suggestion will be greatly appriciated.


I am trying to use the new rails 3 validations and running into some


for my password I have,

validates :password, :presence => {:on => :create}, :length => {

:minimum => 5, :maximum => 16 }, :confirmation => true

the presence and length are creating problem.

I only want to be able to check for the password at create time to

confirm if it is present.

at update time if someone enters the password it should still match the

size limit but it they do not enter the password then it should not be

looked at.

My sense is that what is tripping things up is that on update and nil password, it is not checking precence but is still checking length and confirmation. It may not be the best way but I tend to use an :if => :method_name, and then in that method check for new_record, etc.

Thanks for the reply David.

I am not that good is rails so will need a bit more help.

Is it possible for you to provide me with an example on how to use this if condition.

I searched on the net and it did not become as clear to me.



You may try this:

validates :password, :if => Model.create{:presence => true}, :length => { :minimum => 5, :maximum => 16 }, :confirmation => true

Hey, it would help to include your full functions that you are talking about, as well as the error messages you are experiencing (if so).