Help with the Depot App

Do you have a list.rhtml file in views/ (name of your controller)? Can you post some of the actual error message?

(By the way, if list is just a list then you probably don't need the :id => @local in the redirect, as it won't be used for anything. It doesn't hurt anything though.)

Yea thats not supposed to look like that actually...

def purchase    @local = Product.find(params[:id])    if @local.status.to_i == 0      @local.status = 1      flash[:notice] = 'Product Marked!'      redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @local    elsif @local.status == 1      flash[:notice] = 'Product Already Marked!'      redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @local    end end

Is status a string or an integer? If it's a string just do if @local.status == "0"

The show method displays the individual product. If I click my purchase button on the page.. it redirects and says 'Product Marked' but when I look over in MySql.. the value didn't change.

Are you saving it? Either a, or probably better is @local.update_attribute(:status, "1")

The advantage of the update_attribute is that it will only update that one column instead of rewriting the entire row.

Assuming status is a string, I'd write it like this:

  def purchase     @local = Product.find(params[:id])     if @local.status == "0"       @local.update_attribute(:status, "1")       flash[:notice] = 'Product Marked!'     elsif @local.status == "1"       flash[:notice] = 'Product Already Marked!'     else       flash[:notice] = "Status is #{@local.status} for some reason. This is not good."     end     redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @local end

If you changed to a String it sounds like status is empty or nil.

If status was an int, just remove the quotes from around the digits and it will work.

Put this in temporarily:

def purchase @local = Product.find(params[:id])

if @local.status.blank?

flash[:notice] = "Status is nil"

elsif @local.status.empty?

flash[:notice] = “Status is an empty string”

elsif @local.status == “0”

@local.update_attribute(:status, “1”) flash[:notice] = ‘Product Marked!’ elsif @local.status == “1” flash[:notice] = ‘Product Already Marked!’ else flash[:notice] = “Status is #{@local.status} for some reason. This is not good.” end

redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @local


Are you sure you're looking at the right record?

Change that notice to flash[:notice] = "Status is nil for product #{@local.description}, id: #{}"

"description" may not be right, of course. Use whatever the column is for the product name.


Glad to hear it.

I feel really stupid though... I had: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

attr_accessor :status

I did the same thing once. I should have remembered.

when I needed...

attr_accessible :status

You don't need anything. Rails takes care of that for you. And as you've seen, adding the other kind hides the original. And if you do use attr_accessible you hide any attributes you don't explicitly name.

...thanks for all the help.

My pleasure.