Env: rails 2.2.2 oracle 10g
Have created a table and sequence
Env: rails 2.2.2 oracle 10g
Have created a table and sequence
Hi Ashok,
id's are always integer. I'm quite sure it's the same with an Oracle DB. So please fix you database and retry.
ciao, tom
hi all,
i m also facing the same issue pls suggest me a solution???
ActionController::RoutingError in copy_books#index Showing app/views/copy_books/index.html.erb where line #32 raised:
29: <td><%=h copy_book.last_modified_by_user.username %></td> 30: <td><%=h copy_book.creation_time %></td> 31: <td><%=h copy_book.created_by_user.username %></td> 32: <td><%= link_to 'Show', copy_book %></td> 33: <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_copy_book_path(copy_book) %></td> 34: <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', copy_book, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td> 35: </tr>
thanks in advance..
Regards, Arul
Change Copy_book To Copy_book_path(copy_book)