help with logic in controller.


This is a method that I have written to show personal messages. If the message that is requested is sent "to" the logged in user I will do another check and set status to opened if necessary. I can't figure out why the last "else" statement never executes if the first one is false: Message.find(params[:id], :conditions => {:from )

def show     if @message = Message.find(params[:id], :conditions => {:to => }) then      if @message.status = "new"         @message.status = "opened"       end     else         @message = Message.find(params[:id], :conditions => {:from => })     end     rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound   end

Best regards. Asbjørn Morell.

    if @message = Message.find(params[:id], :conditions => {:to => }) then

cause what you do here is assigning the searchresult to @message if @message == Message.find(params[:id],...

i'm not sure right now, if this would work, this would depend on what's in @message. the name implies a string/text, which you can't compare with an active record object anyway

maybe what you want to do is something like: if @message == Message.find(params[:id],...).field_name to compare with the data stored in field_name

or @message contains a record, but then objects are not necessarily identical, if they have the same content. maybe you would have to use another way to compare them like the eql? function

atmorell wrote:

     if @message.status = "new"

      if @message.status == "new"

your version is always true!