Having two paths for a single action with different parameters


I have a controller named users and index action in it. By default I have the path

get ‘/users’ => ‘users#index’, :as => ‘users’

Now I want to create one more path with a different parameter being passed

get ‘/users/:city’ => ‘users#index’, :as => ‘list_users’

But this gives as error, No route matches {:controller=>“users”}.

I ran rake routes and found the path I defined to be present over there but it doesn’t works.

What shall be done to make this work.

I've no experience with routes exactly like that (considering to me it seems illogical) but maybe Rails see the same broken logic, in that you are trying to define two routes to same action when one route /should/ be a /one action/ have you tried creating a new action in your controller and seeing if the error still happens? Example: "get "/users/:city" => "users#by_city", :as => "by_city" but since I've not seen the entire error and just what rails reports at the top are you sure UsersController has index? Are you sure it's not User instead of Users (I don't quite remember of Rails will do the plural game on routes like it does with tables via ActiveRecord.)

Yes, I did try this but it didn’t. In fact, the custom route I defined, if I define it as following it works.

get ‘/users’ => ‘users#index’, :as => ‘list_users’

But as soon as I define the extra parameter with it, it fails. Same with defining a new action.

Regards Sumit Srivastava

The power of imagination makes us infinite…


I have a controller named users and index action in it. By default I have the path

get '/users' => 'users#index', :as => 'users'

Now I want to create one more path with a different parameter being passed

get '/users/:city' => 'users#index', :as => 'list_users'

But this gives as error, No route matches {:controller=>"users"}.

Where do you get this error? How are you calling the route? Do you get the error if you go to localhost:3000/users/my_city? I don't see any error with this route. show the code that produces the error and we'll go from there.

Btw, you should be able to call that route like this


Is there anyway you can send us the entire trace to look at? You can post it to a github gist so you can delete it after a while if you need to, but it would be nice to see the actual trace so we can see what where is going on and advise you better.

I just found that the value I was passing had a “.” in it. And somehow this was creating problem. Not sure why. I experimented with other special characters and also by removing any of it and it started working fine.

The power of imagination makes us infinite…

Add "value: /.*/" to the end of the /users/:city route.

Thanks a lot. It worked but with slight modification.

I used,

:constraints => { :city => /.*/ }

Regards Sumit Srivastava

The power of imagination makes us infinite…

well for understanding, If you add a symbol like(:city) in the routes it takes that as a variable and whenever you call that route you have to pass a variable like “list_users_path(:city)” or “/users/(:city)”.

Thanks Rahul. If possible could you explain any more cases as I faced. It would be helpful.

Regards Sumit Srivastava

The power of imagination makes us infinite…

sure! no problem.