having a default condition in model

Is there a way to specify at the model level that you want all calls to find(), find_by_xxxx(), etc, to include a certain :conditions clause?

for instance, if normally you wanted to only select articles where "is_published = 1" (which you could of course override in admin mode or something)

because with this flag, when you are selecting articles from different views and/or controllers, it requires them to have knowledge of the underlying articles model and even the DB table. Doesn't seem very DRY.

And in fact we wanted to add another default flag, "is_active = 0" (because deleted articles are really just flagged, not deleted). So now having to go through the whole app....

thanks Sam

Find with scope, then alias' the find methods. There is an example of
this in acts_as_versioned by Rick Olson

Zach Inglis → Blog — http://www.zachinglis.com → Company — http://www.lt3media.com → Portfolio — http://portfolio.zachinglis.com


You're asking two different questions actually :

   > Is there a way to specify at the model level that you want all calls to    > find(), find_by_xxxx(), etc, to include a certain :conditions clause?

The plugin ScopedAccess   http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/scoped_access does just that. You may look at the code to see how it works.

   > for instance, if normally you wanted to only select articles    > where "is_published = 1"

That's a different case, and much easier to satisfy thanks to Rails associations.

Ex:   class User << AR       has_many :articles       has_many :published_articles , :conditions => "is_published = 1" ,                    :class_name => 'Article', :foreign_key => 'article_id'   end

Alain Ravet

Thanks for the quick response!


You're asking two different questions actually :

   > Is there a way to specify at the model level that you want all

calls to

   > find(), find_by_xxxx(), etc, to include a certain :conditions


The plugin ScopedAccess   http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/scoped_access does just that. You may look at the code to see how it works.

ok that looks cool - but according to a comment at the bottom of that page "This has been incorporated into Rails" - is that true? The homepage for it gives a 404 and there seems to be some red flags about it in other posts... hmm. Another scary plugin? http://www.mail-archive.com/rubyonrails-core@googlegroups.com/msg01489.html

[another topic: Is there anything in Rails equivalent to CPAN or PEAR where you can reasonably be sure the code is stable and high-quality? I've already gone down the road with a few plugins that were broken or deprecated or at least early beta]

   > for instance, if normally you wanted to only select articles    > where "is_published = 1"

That's a different case, and much easier to satisfy thanks to Rails associations.

Ex:   class User << AR       has_many :articles       has_many :published_articles , :conditions => "is_published

= 1" ,

                   :class_name => 'Article', :foreign_key

=> 'article_id'


ok I was aware of this option but how would I over-ride it if the current user was an admin for instance? Do I have to create a separate association for every combination of flags then, and call different methods based on the role of the current_user? (say I have is_published, is_deleted, is_public_domain - that's 9 potential associations, yux)

Thanks Sam