Find conditions on the model without a new method

I've recently implemented an "active" flag on several of my models in a very large codebase, and I'd rather not have to go back and change every Model.find() instance to specify the new conditions - {:active => true}

So I was thinking: how can I make the model itself automatically append that to the conditions passed in?

I tried this, but to no avail: (in app/models/model.rb) Class Something < ActiveRecord::Base

# ...

  # Overwriting the find method to exclude anything NOT active.   def find     if @conditions.blank?       @conditions = "active = true"     else       @conditions = @conditions + " AND active = true"     end

    super   end

# ... end

Unfortunately, my tests didn't work. I went in and set the first row in my somethings table to be inactive, but find(:first) still returned it.

I don't see an activerecord call back like "before_find" or something (though I've read about, but can't seem to find documented, an "after_find").

Does anyone know how I can do this, or is manually editing every single Model.find instance the only way?

I think default_scope will do what you want here. For each model: default_scope :conditions => {:active => true}

I am not sure at which version of rails default_scope was introduced.
