hash string to symbol

I found a method to convert the keys that are string to symbols. I included the file in the lib directory but when I call it it says it does not recognize the method. Ideas?

class Hash   # Recursively replace key names that should be symbols with symbols.   def key_strings_to_symbols!     r = Hash.new     self.each_pair do |k,v|       if ((k.kind_of? String) and k =~ /^:/)         v.key_strings_to_symbols! if v.kind_of? Hash and v.respond_to? :key_strings_to_symbols!         r[k.slice(1..-1).to_sym] = v       else         v.key_strings_to_symbols! if v.kind_of? Hash and v.respond_to? :key_strings_to_symbols!         r[k] = v       end     end     self.replace(r)   end end

why not use what Rails already provides via symbolize_keys! .....


Have you included the lib file in your class like include Hash or require 'hash.rb'

If include is present then call the method like object.key_strings_to_symbols!

If require is present then call the method like class_name = Student class_name.key_strings_to_symbols!

Keep rocking!

Chris Habgood wrote: