has many through: Users, Reservations, and the zen of being totally confused

Hey folks,   This is a question about my rails app. It takes online reservations for a hotel. I've got a has many through relationship all set up and working:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :reservations   has_many :events, :through => :reservations end

class Event < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :users, :through => :reservations end

class Reservation < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :user   belongs_to :event end

My confusion comes when I try to actually manipulate this data. In the view, how do I show what users are linked to an event? How do I put a list of users in the event/show? Am I drunk enough to be this confused?! Can some brave soul shed light on this hairy-est of queries?



if event is an Event, then

event.users is the collection of its Users