:has_many :through problems...


I'm fairly new to RoR and I'm having some problems with :has_many and :through and it's quite possible that I'm doing something very wrong...

The model - consists of items and the their dependencies. Items can depend on each other; this is coded through the table 'deps' with keys sub_item_id and super_item_id that refers to the items.id.


deps id,super_item_id,sub_item_id 1 , 1, 2 2 , 1, 3 3 , 2, 3

This means that item 1 has two sub items (namely 2 & 3), item 3 has two super items (namely 1 & 2).

I use the following model:

class Item < AR::B   has_many :deps   has_many :sub_items, :through => :deps   has_many :super_items, :through => :deps

class Dep < AR::B   belongs_to :sub_item, :class_name => 'Item', :foreign_key => 'sub_item_id'   belongs_to :super_item, :class_name => 'Item', :foreign_key => 'super_item_id' end

Whenever I try to access the sub or super items I get an sql error (e.g. for item 1):

'Unknown column 'deps.item_id' in 'where clause': SELECT items.* FROM items INNER JOIN deps ON items.id = deps.sub_item_id WHERE ((deps.item_id = 1))

It would seem that the last ((...)) should have been ((deps.super_item_id = 1)). But I'm not quite sure of how I would have told the reflection of that key name (super_item_id).

I've tried any different variations of this without any luck.

Any clues or hints?

Regards, - Jacob

I figured out how to do it:

class Item < AR::B   has_many :sub_deps, :class_name => 'Dep', :foreign_key_name => 'super_item_id', :source => deps

  has_many :super_deps, :class_name => 'Dep', :foreign_key_name => 'sub_item_id', :source => deps

  has_many :sub_items, :through => :deps   has_many :super_items, :through => :deps end

class Dep < AR::B   belongs_to :sub_item, :class_name => 'Item', :foreign_key => 'sub_item_id'   belongs_to :super_item, :class_name => 'Item', :foreign_key => 'super_item_id' End

If anyone has a more elegant solution let me know. In particular it would be nice not having to specify :class_name => 'Dep' when using :source. It was also unintuitive to me that I needed two has_many aliases for :deps but at least now I see why.

Regards, - Jacob