has_many :through ... am I missing something here?

I have three models. Admin, Stuff, Permission.

Each admin can do lots of stuff, but only if they have permission. I have the following relationship set up:

class Admin     has_many :stuffs, :through => :permissions end

class Stuff     has_many :admins, :through => :permissions end

class Permission     belongs_to :admin     belongs_to :stuff end

I want to be able to see the permissions an admin has so I call: admin.stuff and expect an array of stuff they have permission to. Am I completely missing the boat here?

Thanks, Bryce

Hi --


Thanks a lot. That helped get me out of a rut.


Hi --

> Then call: > > admin.stuff

Whoops, I meant admin.stuffs. I was thinking it but I guess my fingers just refused to type it :slight_smile:
