Suggest me good resources about RSpec. Don’t tell me to search in Google. Trust me I did lot!!
Suggest me good resources about RSpec. Don’t tell me to search in Google. Trust me I did lot!!
I like the code school class, it’s a combination of short videos and exercises to reinforce the learning. They have one on rails testing in general and one on rspec specifically.
The only way I got a clue was http://pragprog.com/book/achbd/the-rspec-book for a tutorial with RSPEC check out www.railstutorial.org
You can sign up a coursera course named saas
It has an advanced course in mitx.
I did it and i like a lot
I took first offering of SaaS and it’s great, there is a lot of use of RSpec and other TDD techniques.
On Monday starts advanced course of SaaS. Look at https://www.edx.org/courses/BerkeleyX/CS169.2x/2012_Fall/about