Getting the server port number during initialization

In the environment.rb I need to use the port number that the server is being started under in an after_initialize block in order to register my server with another server. I've looked in config (Rails:Configuration) and ENV, but It doesn't look to be there. I know that a workaround would be to set a PORT environment variable and use that on the command line, for example. But I would rather use an already existent method.

Hi all,

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Hi John,

In the environment.rb I need to use the port number that the server is being started under in an after_initialize block in order to register my server with another server. I've looked in config (Rails:Configuration) and ENV, but It doesn't look to be there. I know that a workaround would be to set a PORT environment variable and use that on the command line, for example. But I would rather use an already existent method.

On a request-by-request basis you can test request.host_with_port. But, AFAIK, Rails is unaware of the port used by the web server until that server makes a request. If it were otherwise, it would be difficult to run a pack of mongrels in front of the app. Perhaps if you said more about what you mean by 'register my server with another server', we could be more help.

HTH, Bill

I have one admin-like server that provides information that is used across a suite of other servers that provide various client-facing services. In order to synchronize changes to ...

As I was typing, I realized that I was approaching the problem from the wrong direction. Instead of providing the address from the client- facing server, the admin-like server could get the address from the request. Thanks for saying just enough.

You're welcome. Glad it helped.

Best regards, Bill