getting controller, action, and params for a given path


I'm trying to find a programmatic way to get access to the routing table such that I can discover what controller, action, etc., a given path would map to. I could parse the path string myself, but I'd like to be able to access controllers for non-standard routes, named routes, etc.

I've googled every combination of rails routing I could think of and have yet to find anything useful. I also read through all the ActionController::Routing docs.

If anyone knows a convenient way to do this or an existing helper / plugin that provides this functionality, I'd appreciate the help.

Cheers, Darrik Mazey DMT Programming, LLC.

Darrik Mazey wrote:


I'm trying to find a programmatic way to get access to the routing table such that I can discover what controller, action, etc., a given path would map to. I could parse the path string myself, but I'd like to be able to access controllers for non-standard routes, named routes, etc.

I've googled every combination of rails routing I could think of and have yet to find anything useful. I also read through all the ActionController::Routing docs.

If anyone knows a convenient way to do this or an existing helper / plugin that provides this functionality, I'd appreciate the help.

Cheers, Darrik Mazey DMT Programming, LLC.    I offer this update because I'm still in need of assistance but also in case anyone else has been looking for a similar solution. Hopefully this update will be of assistance.

I've managed to find in the rails source the method ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(path, env) which returns a route hash of the form { :controller => 'controller', :action => 'action', :id => 'id' }.

So far so good. However, I'm having trouble with it "recognizing" the id as the action and the action as the id for paths such as '/users/1/edit'. recognize_path() returns { :controller => 'users', :action => '1', :id => 'edit' } for this path. It seems as if recognize_path() is ignoring any routes added with map.resources and relying on the default route (/:controller/:action/:id) to recognize paths. Is recognize_path() the underlying functionality that the rails dispatcher itself uses to route requests, or am I off course?

In the meantime, I'm simply doing some simple heuristics on the returned Route hash and reconstructing it. It's an imperfect solution but functional for now.

Cheers, Darrik

Darrik Mazey wrote:

I offer this update because I'm still in need of assistance but also in case anyone else has been looking for a similar solution. Hopefully this update will be of assistance.

I've managed to find in the rails source the method ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(path, env) which returns a route hash of the form { :controller => 'controller', :action => 'action', :id => 'id' }.

So far so good. However, I'm having trouble with it "recognizing" the id as the action and the action as the id for paths such as '/users/1/edit'. recognize_path() returns { :controller => 'users', :action => '1', :id => 'edit' } for this path. It seems as if recognize_path() is ignoring any routes added with map.resources and relying on the default route (/:controller/:action/:id) to recognize paths. Is recognize_path() the underlying functionality that the rails dispatcher itself uses to route requests, or am I off course?

In the meantime, I'm simply doing some simple heuristics on the returned Route hash and reconstructing it. It's an imperfect solution but functional for now.

Almost immediately after posting my last update, I went back through the source for recognize_path() and realized I wasn't passing in the environment (which by default only consists of { :method => request.method }).

A call to ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path('/users/1/edit', {:method => :get}) now properly yields { :controller => 'users', :action => 'edit', :id => '1'}. Hope someone else finds this useful.

Cheers, Darrik