Generic link_to in a shared partial

I am trying to write a simple and generic one table maintenance shared partial which can be reused to maintain multiple tables with the following fields:

id, name, created_by, updated_by.

I am stuck in generating rest route correctly. Here is an example for a "crust_types" table inspired by Ryan Bates Forms screencasts.

Here is the index action from CrustTypeController:

  def index     @crust_types = CrustType.find(:all)     respond_to do |format|       format.html # index.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @crust_types }     end   end

Here is the content of corresponding index.html.erb template:

<%= render :partial => 'shared/crud_table', :object => @crust_types, :locals => {:ll => 'crust_type'} %>

Finally, here are the relevant code snippets from _crud_table.html.erb partial in the shared folder:

  <% for a_rec in crud_table %>     <tr class="<%= cycle("odd","even") %>">       <td class="first"><%= %></td>       <td><%= %></td>       <td><%= a_rec.created_at %></td>       <td><%= a_rec.updated_at %></td>       <td><%= link_to 'Show', "#{ll}_path" %> | <%= link_to 'Edit', "edit_#{ll}_path(#{ll})" %> | <%= link_to 'Destroy', "#{ll}_path" , :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>     </tr>   <% end %>

The rest paths for link_to methods are not being evaluated they are literally output. For example: I want the link_to 'Edit', "edit_#{ll}_path(#{ll})" method to generate the correct edit path as '/crust_types/1/edit for the first record, instead, I get '/edit_crust_type_path(crust_type)'. Clearly, it is not being evaluated. How should I do it?

Thanks in advance for your time.



<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_path(rec) %>

I am not positive about "edit_path", but you can run rake routes to get the specific path.


Hello Jason, Thanks for your response. Unfortunately that won't work since the local variable ll being passed to the partial determines which model are we working with so in my example that will have to be edit_crust_type_path(a_rec). It is the dynamic substitution of the model name that I am getting stuck on. Unfortunately I do not know the meta_programming magic required to make it work :slight_smile: Anyway I have managed to do it the old-fashioned way by explicitly spelling out the controllers and actions are shown below:

  <% for a_rec in crud_table %>     <tr class="<%= cycle("odd","even") %>">       <td class="first"><%= %></td>       <td><%= %></td>       <td><%= a_rec.created_at %></td>       <td><%= a_rec.updated_at %></td>       <td><%= link_to 'Show', :controller => ll, :action => 'show', :id => %> |           <%= link_to 'Edit', :controller => ll, :action => 'edit', :id => %> |           <%= link_to 'Destroy', {:controller => ll, :action => 'destroy', :id =>} , :confirm => 'Are you sure?' %></td>     </tr>   <% end %>

This works fine, but I would still like to know how to do it using meta-programming.


Nearly! edit_polymorphic_path is the helper needed. For delete it's even easier, link_to 'delete', a_rec, :method => :delete.
