generate an array of model instances


In my app there is a one-to-many relation between members and member_phones. Following code works in ruby 1.8.7, rails 3.0.3 but fails on heroku.

@member =

but this works on heroku:

@member =

But this way I have specify!

otherwise it is not saved in database.

Now, my problem is that if thats the way I have to go then , how do I create a collection/hash/array of member_phones so that I can accept mutliple member_phones on the view. Again a problem here as I can't use formtastic gem because for one it would require a lot of custom styling and I already have an application template for the whole application that I have to use. And , also the hosting service which I may end up finally end up to host my app will not allow any gems installation. Therefore, I am stuck with default setup and javascript/jquery use to customise my views.


In what way does it fail?


NoMethodError (undefined method `member_phones' for #<Member:0x000000022d3938>):   app/controllers/home_controller.rb:43:in `member'

Thats the error that I get.

Please quote the previous message when replying, it makes it easier to follow the thread. Remember that this is an email list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum. Thanks.

NoMethodError (undefined method `member_phones' for #<Member:0x000000022d3938>): app/controllers/home_controller.rb:43:in `member'

Please post the code of member.rb and member_phones.rb (snip out any irrelevant methods that may be there). Also the code from home_controller around the error. Thanks.


Colin Law wrote in post #1065643:

Please quote the previous message when replying, it makes it easier to follow the thread. Remember that this is an email list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum. Thanks.

NoMethodError (undefined method `member_phones' for #<Member:0x000000022d3938>): app/controllers/home_controller.rb:43:in `member'

Please post the code of member.rb and member_phones.rb (snip out any irrelevant methods that may be there). Also the code from home_controller around the error. Thanks.


home_controller      def member

    @member =     @member.family_id = random_number(5)     @member_id=random_number(6)      end

And the view member.html.erb has :

<label>                  <span>Home : </span>               <%= text_field "member_phone", "home_phone", :class => "input_text" %>


class MemberPhone < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :member, :foreign_key => "member_id"


class Member < ActiveRecord::Base   alias_attribute :family_member_id, :member_id

  has_many :member_addresses , :foreign_key => "family_member_id"

  has_many :member_phones , :foreign_key => "family_member_id"

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :member_addresses   accepts_nested_attributes_for :member_phones


Colin Law wrote in post #1065643:

Please quote the previous message when replying, it makes it easier to follow the thread. Remember that this is an email list not a forum (though you may be accessing it through a forum. Thanks.

NoMethodError (undefined method `member_phones' for #<Member:0x000000022d3938>): app/controllers/home_controller.rb:43:in `member'

Please post the code of member.rb and member_phones.rb (snip out any irrelevant methods that may be there). Also the code from home_controller around the error. Thanks.


home_controller def member

@member = @member.family_id = random_number(5) @member_id=random_number(6) end

And the view member.html.erb has :

<label> <span>Home : </span> <%= text_field "member_phone", "home_phone", :class => "input_text" %>


class MemberPhone < ActiveRecord::Base

belongs_to :member, :foreign_key => "member_id"

The foreign_key spec here is not required as member_id is the default. It should not do any harm however.


class Member < ActiveRecord::Base alias_attribute :family_member_id, :member_id

What is the purpose of the above line? Does the members table have a column with one of those names? If so, why?

has_many :member_addresses , :foreign_key => "family_member_id"

has_many :member_phones , :foreign_key => "family_member_id"

The above line says that member_phones (not members) has a column family_member_id. Has it?
