I’m creating a simple signup form where people can sign up for a camp. They should be able to add a contact person and also sign up other people (such as family members).
Two models:
has_many :participants
accepts_nested_attributes_for :participants
belongs_to :application
I have some trouble with the contact person, which is also a participant. I guess I should add something like this:
has_many :participants
belongs_to :contact_person, :class_name => “Participant”, :foreign_key => “contact_person_id”
accepts_nested_attributes_for :participants, :contact_person
Ok, so then I try to set up my nested form. In my ApplicationsController#new method I do this:
def new
@application = Application.new
2.times { @application.participants.build }
1.times { @application.contact_person.build }
But that gives me an error: “undefined method `build’ for nil:NilClass”. The error comes from: “@application.contact_person.build”, so contact_person is nil.
So, any ideas what I have done wrong? It was a while ago I fiddled with nested forms like this…