Fukuoka Ruby Award--about $10,000 for first prize

I am working with the Government of Fukuoka, Japan to get the word out about the Fukuoka Ruby Award to Ruby developers in the US. It is free to apply for this award. The top prize is about $10,000. Deadline is December 25, so there is not much time, but the application is fairly simple for developers who have existing projects. Here are the details:

Fukuoka Ruby Award http://www.ruby-award.jp/english.html

Matz's posting about the award is here: Fukuoka Ruby Award - Ruby - Ruby-Forum

By no means have I learned enough Ruby ninjutsu to dream of entering a Ruby competition. That said, what does this mean?

From the link: =begin Eligibility ... Type B is for activities for prevalence. ... Specify URL to confirm for operation check in the first selection except the case of activities for prevalence which haven’t actuating system. =end

Huh? What does this even mean?

It's Engrish, obviously. I'm sure their Japanese skills are better.

From the website I take it to mean there is a category for a business or enterprise which depends in a large part on Ruby, and also a category for activity which has increased the prevalence of Ruby.