form_remote_tag not working

I'm working through Agile Web Dev. On page 130, you change an add to cart button that posts to a new page to a button that does an Ajax post. The code changes from button_to to form_remote_tag with arguments.

But when I use that tag nothing appears on the page. (And there's nothing in the source. Rails just ignores the tag entirely.)

    <% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :add_to_cart, :id => product } do %>       <%= submit_tag "Add to Cart" %>     <% end %>

I've swapped my code for the code downloaded from the book, but still nothing.

First, am I missing something? Second, how does one trouble-shoot these kinds of problems? View source gives me nada and rails tells me nothing. Where do I look to troubleshoot?


First, am I missing something?

Yes. Your '<% form_remote_tag' should be '<%= form_remote_tag'.

Second, how does one trouble-shoot these kinds of problems? View source gives me nada and rails tells me nothing. Where do I look to troubleshoot?

Content not even appearing may well be something you're going to have to debug for yourself. If you're anything like me, a few times of leaving off the = sign as you have done here, and you'll soon learn how to diagnose this particular problem! :slight_smile:

If you're doing anything with Ajax and RJS, I can't recommend the FireBug extension for Firefox enough. It's a real godsend.


You need Edge Rails to use the new-style form_tag and form_remote_tag helpers.

If you'd rather not install via Subversion, I've prepared a zip file of today's Edge rails. Download

into your application's vendor/ directory, and then unzip it. Then go back to your applications main directory and type

rake rails:update

If you restart your application, all the new stuff should work.



I updated to the most recent version of rails and that fixed it. (Though, I thought I was already on a recent enough edge.)

And I guess that answers a troubl-shooting question: verify the feature you're using against the rails version you're using.
