form_remote_for NOT passing param: I want put and I get post


I'm struggling my brain with this ajax issue ...

Basically I have a form for creating records, and I want to submit it using Ajax.

On previous versions of RoR (2.0.2) it was working, but the same methods doesn't work on 2.2.2, and I started to make changes and changes and read forums and the api, but no way ...

<% form_remote_for (:expedient, :url => {:action => 'create_ajax'}, :update =>'div_listd') do |f| %>

<table class="edit"> <tr>   <td class="label" width="100px">Referencia</td>   <td class="data"><%= f.text_field :reference %></td>   <td><%= submit_tag "Añadir" %></td> </tr> </table>

<% end %>

In the development.log I only see the token param:   Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"c5fb066b9a3370e15f94154cc2140759d40f079c"}

the html source code is this:

<form action="/expedients/create_ajax" method="post" onsubmit="new Ajax.Updater('div_listd', '/expedients/create_ajax', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;"><div style="margin:0;padding:0"><input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="c5fb066b9a3370e15f94154cc2140759d40f079c" /></div>

<table class="edit">

<tr>   <td class="label" width="100px">Referencia</td>   <td class="data"><input id="expedient_reference" name="expedient[reference]" size="30" type="text" /></td>   <td><input name="commit" type="submit" value="Añadir" /></td>



I see that the method is post, I think it should be 'PUT' to pass the variables in the params ... or I'm wrong in this assumption ?

I tried to add the :method => :put but no way ..... sure I put it in the wrong place :slight_smile:

thanks again!



I'm struggling my brain with this ajax issue ...

Basically I have a form for creating records, and I want to submit it using Ajax.

On previous versions of RoR (2.0.2) it was working, but the same
methods doesn't work on 2.2.2, and I started to make changes and changes and read forums and the api, but no way ...

Random guesses: assuming that the page contains more than just this: - are all dom ids unique - have you got nested forms ?
