form question

Dears I new to the ruby world and I would like to create forms and send this info to the db. when I use the scaffold method I can't seem to connect to my database. when I hit select show I only get the 2 links for edit and safe. I already made this form <h1> Een nieuw lid toevoegen</h1> <%= error_messages_for 'Speler' %> <% form_for :Speler do |f| %> <p> name:<br /> <%= f.text_field :naam %> </p> <p> achternaam:<br /> <%= f.text_field :achternaam %> </p> <p> score:<br /> <%= f.text_field :score %> </p> <p> ploeg:<br /> <%= f.text_field :ploeg %> </p> <p> <%= submit_tag %> </p> <% end %> but I have no clue what so ever what I have to do to insert the data into my data base. is there a biginner tutorial somewhere where I could figure out how I can learn to link the form to my database with a notice when a given item is not entered thanks very much for your help

Paul Private wrote:

is there a biginner tutorial somewhere where I could figure out how I can learn to link the form to my database with a notice when a given item is not entered thanks very much for your help

Start here:

James Is there a big difference between the scaffold in the previous versions of ruby and rails, I'm using ruby 1.86 en rails 2.0.2 I use netbeans to build my website I know in the previous version the scaffold needed the extra info like create delete show ect while the new one parently has enough with the Model name. but when you try to select anything like edit or show it does only show the link edit and save?

thanks for the help


James Byrne wrote: