Well, slight update. I found that if I change my form partial to be:
<%= form.text_field :title %>
it works. I can live with that.
But.. reading the updates to rails and forms and partials, it says you
can shortcut it more by doing:
<%= render @course %>
I found that Rails will look for the partial named: _course.html.erb.
Ok, I copied my form partial, but it doesn't like any of my 'form
helper' variables - f.text_field, form.text_field, or course.text_field.
Is this possible?
Well, slight update. I found that if I change my form partial to be:
<%= form.text_field :title %>
it works. I can live with that.
Correct. The magical partial variable has the same name as the partial
But.. reading the updates to rails and forms and partials, it says you
can shortcut it more by doing:
<%= render @course %>
I found that Rails will look for the partial named: _course.html.erb.
Ok, I copied my form partial, but it doesn't like any of my 'form
helper' variables - f.text_field, form.text_field, or course.text_field.
Is this possible?
You would need to pass (via locals etc.) the form builder object.