<% form_for :person, @person, :url => {...} do |f| %>
<%= f.partial 'form' %>
<% end %>
f.partial would be exactly the same as the previous snippet, just making the form builder available in the partial without the hassle of :locals => {'f' => f}
the one thing I'm not sure about is how you pick the name under which the form builder should appear in the partial.
Ideally f.partial 'form' would give you something sensible, but I'm not sure how you would pick such a default
f.partial 'form', :name => 'f' would work, but then it's almost as awkward as :locals => {'f' => f}
<% form_for :person, @person, :url => {...} do |f| %>
<%= f.partial 'form' %>
<% end %>
f.partial would be exactly the same as the previous snippet, just
making the form builder available in the partial without the hassle
of :locals => {'f' => f}
Looks great!
the one thing I'm not sure about is how you pick the name under which
the form builder should appear in the partial.
Well, we could leave a simple "f" by default. Most people are probably
used to that, right?
Ideally f.partial 'form' would give you something sensible, but I'm
not sure how you would pick such a default
Why not something like:
-- environment.rb
Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
config.action_view.form_builder_name = :f
To always have form_for give you a custom builder.
f.partial 'form', :name => 'f' would work, but then it's almost as
awkward as :locals => {'f' => f}
We could leave that option for the very rare case where you want to
override the local variable name on a specific partial...
Any ideas (or is this one just stupid ?) ?
I wonder if this is the reason why the scaffold_resource generator
doesn't deal with form partials like scaffold did? (ie the lack of a
nice way to do it).
Seems like this one has the people's vote. The one think holding me back would be that this conflicts with the current behaviour of partial (ie the object/collection with the write name materialising). It would be pretty weird to have objects called @something_form, but what if you did want to build up a form by iterating over some collection ?
And it would still perhaps allow all the usual render params to be
passed to it. I'm just thinking of this quickly, haven't thought
about it too too much.
It's just a bit of convenience - neither <render :partial => 'fields', :object => f nor <%= render :partial => 'fields', :locals => {'f' => f} are very nice, compared to just "render :partial => form" as one can do with form_tag
I'm pretty much sold on this. The one thing is of course that it
doesn't have to boil down to a single name. The form builder can
easily be made available under more than one name if there's a demand
for that (so you could just always make it available as f, but I
think that would be a bit ugly.
To a large extent I'm nostalgic about being able to do <%= render :partial=>'form' %>. :object=>f is better than :locals (should of thought of that one), but it still seems a little redundant to have to say 'and yes I do actually want my form builder available in the partial. Maybe the form builder classes aren't the place for this but I couldn't think of another way.
so in render_partial, case FormBuilder does render :partial => "#{f.object.class}/_form.format.erb", :object => f (apologies for pseudoness of code) ?
As long as you don't have more than one form per model that you want easily accessible (and even if you did have that I suppose that falls under the general 'make the common case easy etc...', as it's not that bad having to type out the :object if you do have some complicated nesting/set of form partials.
so in render_partial, case FormBuilder does render :partial => "#
{f.object.class}/_form.format.erb", :object => f (apologies for
pseudoness of code) ?
Yeah, that's what I've been doing, and depending on the implementation
required it seems like it should be ok...
I can see mislav's point on coupling, but it seems consistent with the
current behaviour where:
This simple patch allows for render :partial => f, begin f a
FormBuilder, to render /_form.html.erb, and being f a
LabelledFormBuilder to render /_labelled_form.html.erb. It looks for
any FormBuilder subclass, and also sets the local variable name to
form, labelled_form, or whatever form builder you're using...
I don't know if there's a ticket already for this, and if anybody
wants this applied anyway...
Digging through some old stuff, I don't think this discussion every really came to a conclusion.
I still feel the burn every time I write render :partial => 'form', :object => f, and I believe the solution underlined below takes care of it most of the time