How do I set an id attribute like id="datepicker" in an input text_field
using a form helper.
I tried this:-
<%= f.text_field :paid_date, :id="datepicker" %>
but it produces an error.
Note that I want <input type="text" name="paid_date" id="datepicker"> as
the result, not <input type="text" name="datepicker[paid_date]"> which
is all I can find in the API.
Can you not just manage with the default id which should be
<model_name>_paid_date I think?
The jQuery datepicker calendar wants id="datepicker" on the input field.
I found the error, I had omitted a closing ">" on the preceding td
element. Now I just have to deal with the calendar wanting to wrap the
arrows for month selection