hi everybody... I have a form_for in that, onclicking submit button i am calling a javascript for validation.If validation fails that form_for doesnt do anything.But even the validation fails it goes to the controller and action. here my code: <%form_for :promotion_code, :url=>{:controller=>"home",:action=>"create",:discount_id=>product.discount.id,:id=>@ad.id} do |f|%> <%=f.radio_button :isemail,"true",:checked=>true%><b>Email </b> <%=f.radio_button :isemail, "false"%><b>Sms</b> <%=f.text_field :email_or_mobile,:size=>20%> <%=f.submit "Generate", :onclick=>"ValidateForm()"%> <%end%>
on validation failure it doesn't go to the :action
please help me...