
hi everybody...         I have a form_for in that, onclicking submit button i am calling a javascript for validation.If validation fails that form_for doesnt do anything.But even the validation fails it goes to the controller and action. here my code: <%form_for :promotion_code, :url=>{:controller=>"home",:action=>"create",:discount_id=>,:id=>} do |f|%>               <%=f.radio_button :isemail,"true",:checked=>true%><b>Email </b>               <%=f.radio_button :isemail, "false"%><b>Sms</b>               <%=f.text_field :email_or_mobile,:size=>20%>               <%=f.submit "Generate", :onclick=>"ValidateForm()"%>             <%end%>

on validation failure it doesn't go to the :action

please help me...

You need to move the :onclick => "ValidateForm()" to :onsubmit => "ValidateForm()" in the form_for line. Then when the ValidateForm returns false it will halt submission of the form.

You might want to consider using something like this:

There's a Rails plugin as well:

Cheers, Nicholas

hi everybody…

    I have a form_for in that, onclicking submit button i am calling

a javascript for validation.If validation fails that form_for doesnt do

anything.But even the validation fails it goes to the controller and


here my code:

<%form_for :promotion_code,


do |f|%>

          <%=f.radio_button :isemail,"true",:checked=>true%><b>Email
          <%=f.radio_button :isemail, "false"%><b>Sms</b>

          <%=f.text_field :email_or_mobile,:size=>20%>

          <%=f.submit "Generate", :onclick=>"ValidateForm()"%>


on validation failure it doesn’t go to the :action

please help me…

Hi, I think that you really want the onclick handler on the form element instead of the

input tag. Then the following should work for you:

<%form_for :promotion_code,

:url => {:controller=>“home”,:action=>“create”,:discount_id=>,:id=> },

:html => { :onclick => “return ValidateForm();” } do |f|%>

<%=f.radio_button :isemail,“true”,:checked=>true%>Email <%=f.radio_button :isemail, “false”%>Sms

<%=f.text_field :email_or_mobile,:size=>20%> <%=f.submit “Generate”, :onclick=>“ValidateForm()” %>


Lastly, you can read more on the use of the :html symbol by referring to section 23.5 of AWDwR 3ed.

Good luck,


The correct javascript handler to use would be onsubmit as Nicholas Henry recommends. Thus, the above

code has been corrected with this in mind as well as removing the typo.


Nicholas Henry wrote:

You need to move the :onclick => "ValidateForm()" to :onsubmit => "ValidateForm()" in the form_for line. Then when the ValidateForm returns false it will halt submission of the form.

You might want to consider using something like this:

There's a Rails plugin as well: GitHub - porras/livevalidation: Client-side validations for Ruby on Rails (using javascript library

Cheers, Nicholas

Thanks for yor reply .... I applied what you said.But its not getting.When i am giving :onsubmit it doesn't check for validation.It directly go to the action without doing any validation.When validation return false it shouldn't execute the action.Your reply appreciated...Thanks verymuch

Hi, please post the Javascript that’s performing the validation?


And please post the form_for code.

Thank you.