form_for submit ends up in the "index" action.

I have a strange bug that's driving me slightly crazy. Maybe the symptoms will be more meaningful to someone else here...

I have a set of REST actions in my controller and a form_for in both my new and edit views, in both cases with fields_for constructs embedded. The models have some validation rules in place.

A successful create action renders the edit view to allow modifications to be made the data.

However, if I enter invalid data into some of the embedded fields in the form, when I resubmit the form the second time, with either valid or invalid data, the browser ends up (apparently) invoking the index action and it associated view instead of create. On the face of it it kind of looks as if the browser request is coming in as a GET (since that would turn a create index into an index), but there's no obvious reason that that should happen for a form, nor any inking in firebug that that's what's actually happening.

Does this ring any bells with anyone? No doubt something simple, but my sleep deprived brain just isn't seeing it right now.

Thanks for any advice.


Ok, so this didn't attract any suggestions, but here fwiw is how I solved the problem...

I still don't know exactly why I was ending up in the index view, but it seems that the underlying problem was that when the form was being resubmitted after validation failure, Rails was interpreting my form_for as an "edit" form, rather than a "new" form - and consequently putting a hidden _method = put parameter in the form markup.

Apparently the reason it was treating this as an "edit" form the second time around is that the validation failure was happening in the "create" action on the embedded "fields_for" fields, but this only happened after the primary fields for the "form_for" had already been save! 'd. I had the whole thing wrapped in a transaction, which was correctly preventing the primary fields from actually making it to the db, but the objects themselves were still being treated as if they had been saved - even though they hadn't - and so Rails apparently figured that the purpose of the subsequent form was to edit this "existing" data.

The solution: in my "create" action, I just moved the save! of the primary "form_for" fields to occur _after_ those embedded in "fields_for" have been save! 'd. This means that if the primary fields only ever get created if the embedded fields have successfully validated, i.e. the transaction as a whole is good.


Hi --

Thanks David. I'll take a look at that.
