After creating an instance of an object, Rails redirects to the index of the object that it :belongs to

When I click the Save in /views/parts/new.html, I expect to end up on / views/parts/show.html, but instead I end up in /views/projects/ index.html, with the wrong [flash] message.

I have:

Hi --

Hi --

Theory number two:

form_for(@project, @part) do |f|

Try this:

   form_for([@project, @part]) do |f|

(i.e., put them in an array).

Theory number one still applies, though, in case you run into further trouble :slight_smile:


When I click the Save in /views/parts/new.html, I expect to end up on / views/parts/show.html, but instead I end up in /views/projects/ index.html, with the wrong [flash] message.

I have:

++++++++++++++++ /models/project.rb ----------------------------

has\_many :parts

++++++++++++++++ /models/parts.rb ----------------------------

belongs\_to :project

++++++++++++++++ /controllers/parts_controller.rb ----------------------------

def new
  @project = Project\.find\(params\[:project\_id\]\)
  @part = @project\.parts\.build

  respond\_to do |format|
    format\.html \# new\.html\.erb
    format\.xml  \{ render :xml => @part \}

def create
  @project = Project\.find\(params\[:project\_id\]\)
  @part = @project\.parts\.build\(params\[:concept\]\)
  @part\.user\_id = @current\_user

  respond\_to do |format|
    if @concept\.save
      flash\[:notice\] = 'You have successfully defined a new part

for this project' format.html { redirect_to part_path(@part) } format.xml { render :xml => @part, :status => :created, :location => @part } else format.html { render :action => "new" } format.xml { render :xml => @part.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity } end end end

++++++++++++++++ /views/parts/new.html ----------------------------

form_for(@project, @part) do |f|

What does the submit code look like?


I'm an idiot. Perils of copy-pasting controllers and then starting at them cross-eyed at 11pm (local time).

I made the two changes above (@concept and ) and it took the process forward. But now when I save, it seems to be trying to create a project as well as a part, as it runs my new project validations and complains about there being no project name, etc.

Colin, the submit code is:

submit_tag 'Save', :name => 'save'

And with fresh morning eyes, I solved that too.

(T'was another concept where it should have been part -- another victim of copy-pasting controller code.)
