this is my current code:
#notice { border: solid 1px #99cc99; background-color: #e2f9e3; color: #006600; padding: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; }
#notice.error { border-color: #e2f9e3; background-color: #eeaaaa; color: #cc0000; }
<% flash.each do |key, msg| %> <%= content_tag :div, flash[:error] || flash[:notice], :id => ‘notice’, :class => (‘error’ if flash[:error]) %> <% content_tag :script, :type => “text/javascript” do %> $(‘<%= key %>’).style.display = ‘none’; new Effect.Appear(‘<%= key %>’, {duration: 3}); <% end %>
<% content_tag :script, :type => “text/javascript” do %> setTimeout(“new Effect.Fade(‘<%= key %>’);”, 10000); <% end %> <% end %>
but how can i achieve to css the rails standard way of showing errors liek that one:
1 error prohibited this comment from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
- Title can’t be blank
only if i return something like that: flash[:error] = ‘Error’
it actually shows up in “my” div.
hope u guys know what i mean