<% if @flash[:error] %> <div id="error"><%= @flash[:error] %></div> <% end %> <% if @flash[:warning] %> <div id="warning"><%= @flash[:warning] %></div> <% end %> <% if @flash[:notice] %> <div id="notice"><%= @flash[:notice] %></div> <% end %>
Did you see any line number in the error? It would be helpful if you gould give the whole trace rather than just the error message
How I must do it?
could it be, it's "flash[:notice]" without the @.
if not, tell us where your error occurred (which line). then show us the code calling it (controller/action).
MaD wrote:
could it be, it's "flash[:notice]" without the @.
Thanks, now it works.