Hello Everyone,
first off - I'm NOT a programmer. I know HTML/CSS very well and PHP quite well, yet not I'm in need of a more "active" language and I've decided to go with Ruby.
Thing is, I've been able to find ton of tutorials, but NOT ONE answers the most basic question - what exactly do I have to upload to the server to simply get a (any) response from Ruby (through a browser, using a regular shared webhosting).
The closest "answer" I could find was that unlike HTML/PHP, Ruby needs a specific file structure (controllers, models, views) but still - neither of the 30+ tutorials I've browsed through tells me: - How many files exactly do I require for a simple "Hello World!"? - What extensions should these files have? - Where to put which files? - What the hell should these files contain?
Now, I can "play" with Ruby via the command line locally and I can just create an .rb file and run it from there, but that's not the point, I want it to show online via a browser and as ridiculous as it sounds - I don't know how to do that?
Add. infos: - I'm trying to run it on a cheap shared web-hosting (Linux server). - Ruby on Rails + gems are installed there, can access them via the cPanel. - I've created a test-app through the cPanel - with success. - I've created a rewrite - I can access the subdomain via my browser and I'll see the "Welcome aboard" start page.
What now?
I just can't continue to learn the language via simple out-of-context
examples via the command line while I have no idea where to upload which
files to make it really function on-line
Please help.