Find Weekdays range between two

Dear Friends,

I have values in table for duties assigned on certain days ranges, e.g Monday to Tuesday, Wednesday to Friday.

Now I want to show the duties assigned to a person on main screen if the day of current date is in the range of weekdays assigned to him/her.

I tried the below but no idea.

def show_all_rosters @dw ='%w') day = { |d| Date::DAYNAMES[d] } @dw1 = week_days = ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"] @ww = week_days[1] @dd1 = @dd2 = Date.tomorrow @dd3 = + 1 @theday'%w').downcase @rosterduties = RosterDuty.find(:all,:conditions=>["lower(duty_day1) = :theday or lower(duty_day2)=:theday",{:theday => @theday}]) end

Thanks in advance.

Dear Friends,

I have values in table for duties assigned on certain days ranges, e.g Monday to Tuesday, Wednesday to Friday.

Now I want to show the duties assigned to a person on main screen if the day of current date is in the range of weekdays assigned to him/her.

I tried the below but no idea.

In order to write s/w you need to be able to debug your code to see why it is not working. An easy way in rails is just to insert code to log results to log/development.log, so you could insert into your code something like:

def show_all_rosters @dw ='%w') "@dw: #{@dw.inspect}"

day = { |d| Date::DAYNAMES[d] } "day: #{day}"

and so on to see what is not working and fix it. If you don't do that then you will never know why the code is not doing what you want.

After you have done that and either got it working or hit a brick wall then come back and ask if there is a better way.


and so on to see what is not working and fix it. If you don't do that then you will never know why the code is not doing what you want.

After you have done that and either got it working or hit a brick wall then come back and ask if there is a better way.


Sorry for not making you understand the problem due to my English skill, dear all these lines works, but I dont know how to do the following:

e.g A person is assigned to work from Monday to Wednesday of every month

and its Tuesday suppose or Monday or Wed, Computer should show that He has to do the work today.

hope u will get it now.

What are you storing in the database to indicate the working days? Tell us the field names and what the fields contain.


and so on to see what is not working and fix it. If you don't do that then you will never know why the code is not doing what you want.

After you have done that and either got it working or hit a brick wall then come back and ask if there is a better way.


Sorry for not making you understand the problem due to my English skill, dear all these lines works, but I dont know how to do the following:

e.g A person is assigned to work from Monday to Wednesday of every month

and its Tuesday suppose or Monday or Wed, Computer should show that He has to do the work today.

hope u will get it now.

What are you storing in the database to indicate the working days? Tell us the field names and what the fields contain.

Also how do you record which RosterDuty records relate to a particular person?


Also how do you record which RosterDuty records relate to a particular person?


My field names are as below:

id Employee_id duty_name duty_day1 //start day duty_day2 //end day duty_time

Also how do you record which RosterDuty records relate to a particular person?


My field names are as below:

id Employee_id duty_name duty_day1 //start day duty_day2 //end day duty_time

What is saved in duty_dayn? Day as string or as number (0…7)?

Colin Law wrote in post #1182172:

Colin Law wrote in post #1182172:

Employee_id duty_name duty_day1 //start day duty_day2 //end day duty_time

What is saved in duty_dayn? Day as string or as number (0..7)?

Its, Monday, Wednesday etc. as string

I suggest not doing that, store it as a number and convert when you want to display or enter it. That will make querying the database much simpler. Then you can get all the duties for an employee for today by something like

today = @employee.roster_duties.where( "duty_day1 >= ? and duty_day2<=?", today, today)

In fact it may not be quite that simple. It will not cope with a duty running from Saturday to Sunday for example, so you may have to extend it for that, possibly a where clause something like "(duty_day1 <= duty_day2 and duty_day1 <= ? and duty_day2 >= ?) or (duty_day1 > duty_day2 and (duty_day1 <= ? or duty_day2 >= ?))", today, today, today, today I have not tested that so convince yourself it is right before trying it. Don't forget to provide automated tests to check all the edge conditions.

Is it something like that you are looking for?


"(duty_day1 <= duty_day2 and duty_day1 <= ? and duty_day2 >= ?) or (duty_day1 > duty_day2 and (duty_day1 <= ? or duty_day2 >= ?))", today, today, today, today I have not tested that so convince yourself it is right before trying it. Don't forget to provide automated tests to check all the edge conditions.

Is it something like that you are looking for?


let me try this then will tell u what happened?


Dear I changed the Days from names to numbers, in my Add_rosters its like below now:

<%= :duty_day1, [[ "Monday","1"], ["Tuesday","2"],["Wednesday","3"],["Thursday","4"],["Friday","5"],["Saturday","6"],["Sunday","0"]],:selected => ["Monday","1"] %>

Change the controller's method to this:

def show_all_rosters @theday'%A').downcase @rosterduties = RosterDuty.find(:all,:conditions=>["duty_day1 >= :theday and duty_day2 <=:theday",{:theday => @theday}]) end

and show_all_rosters view is this:

<div id="page-yield"> <% if @rosterduties.present? %>   <% @rosterduties.each do |r| %>   <%= r.duty_name %> <br />   <%= r.duty_place %> <br />   <%= r.duty_time %> <br />   <%= r.duty_day1 %> <br />   <%= r.duty_day2 %> <p>   <%end%> <%end%> </div>

But the result is blank.


Dear I changed the Days from names to numbers, in my Add_rosters its like below now:

<%= :duty_day1, [[ "Monday","1"], ["Tuesday","2"],["Wednesday","3"],["Thursday","4"],["Friday","5"],["Saturday","6"],["Sunday","0"]],:selected => ["Monday","1"] %>

Change the controller's method to this:

def show_all_rosters @theday'%A').downcase

Have you tried inserting lines as I suggested previously to see what is happening. What is the value of @theday

@rosterduties = RosterDuty.find(:all,:conditions=>["duty_day1 >= :theday and duty_day2 <=:theday",{:theday => @theday}])

Why are you not using Roster.Duty.where(...)?


Why are you not using Roster.Duty.where(...)?


Thanks dear it worked, I just changed


to this @theday'%w')

and the condition line as you suggested to this

@rosterduties = RosterDuty.find(:all, :conditions => ["(duty_day1 <= duty_day2 and duty_day1 <= ? and duty_day2 >= ?) or (duty_day1 > duty_day2 and (duty_day1 <= ? or duty_day2 >= ?))",@theday, @theday, @theday, @theday])

thanks again.

Does not work?

One thing to watch out for is time zones. If the user and the rails server are both set to the same timezone then you should be ok, but if they are using different timezones then (which runs on the server) will not show the users time, so the time (for the user) at which the current day changes from, for example, sunday to monday, will not be midnight.
