filters with :only and controller inheritance

Not sure if this is a bug, or what the correct behaviour should be. Suppose that we have a parent and an inherited controller:

class TestController < ApplicationController

  def filter     logger.debug "filter"   end

  before_filter :filter, :only => [ :t1 ]

  def t1     logger.debug "TestController t1"     render :text => 't1'   end


class TestChildController < TestController

  before_filter :filter, :only => [ :t3 ] # oops what should this do?

  def t3     logger.debug "TestChildController t3"     render :text => "t3"   end


The idea here is that the child controller might want to reuse the filter for its new 't3' action.

What happens though is rather unexpected:

Processing TestChildController#t1 (for at 2007-08-06 20:09:13) [GET]   Session ID: 082b6fa688bac1b0b70baa770b5754ba   Parameters: {"action"=>"t1", "controller"=>"test_child"} TestController t1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< filter not called Completed in 0.00010 (10000 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00000 (0%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/test_child/t1\]

Processing TestChildController#t3 (for at 2007-08-06 20:09:21) [GET]   Session ID: 082b6fa688bac1b0b70baa770b5754ba   Parameters: {"action"=>"t3", "controller"=>"test_child"} filter filter <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< why called twice? TestChildController t3 Completed in 0.00010 (10000 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00000 (0%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/test_child/t3\]

One would expect that either the new :only overrides the previous one and only t3 invokes the filter (sensical but not convenient) or the new :only just adds the filter to t3 and keeps the filter on t1. Or is using :only here inherently bad?


Jaime Cham