File upload

Can anyone tell me how to upload files on a server or some area... I do not mean saving a file in a database...but saving it at some user selected memory location.

Can anyone tell me how to upload files on a server or some area... I do not mean saving a file in a database...but saving it at some user selected memory location.

Have a look at the file_column plugin.


What are people using to get web stats?

Also, please include in your response what server you are running (e.g. webrick, mongrel, etc).



What are people using to get web stats? Also, please include in your response what server you are running (e.g. webrick, mongrel, etc).

Google Analytics... but I don't get oodles of traffic (they have a cap I believe)


Nice of you for asking. I'm just about to release a web stats rails plugin for tracking visitors, referrers, robots, search terms and more. The reason why I created the plugin was because I noticed an increased page loading time when using a third-party stats such as google analytics.

I'll post the announcement once it's released.


Hi Thiago,

I was just about to start on something like that for a project I am working on.

Any idea when you will be releasing it? Anything I can do to help?


Thanks for the responses I’ve received.

Thiago, I look forward to it!



Dave, It's already released [ANN] SiteMeter v.1.0 Web Stats plugin - Rails - Ruby-Forum :wink:


Yeah. I just dug down to the bottom of the folder and found your announcement.

Thanks, Thiago! :^)

