file upload gives filename as String, no IO object

Hi list,

I'm having a headache with file upload in rails..

In short, the problem boils down to the upload form giving me a String containing the file name of the uploaded file instead of the IO object it should give me to access the file's content and MIME type.

I have checked and Peak Obsession, but the problem seems not to occur there... I also have spent quite some time searching google and this list on this issue, but nothing that succeeded to enlighten me came up..

I'm using rails v. 1.2.1.

I have a view with a file upload form:

<% form_tag :action => 'create', :multipart => true do %>   <%= file_field('photo', 'uploaded_file') %>   <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <% end %>

Which renders to

<form action="/photos/create?multipart=true" method="post">   <input id="photo_uploaded_file" name="photo[uploaded_file]" size="30" type="file" />   <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create" /> </form>

The database model has no column named 'uploaded_file' because this value is to be split into a field for the MIME and one for the content. So I added a setter method:

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base   def uploaded_file=(file)     self.mime = file.content_type # => Raises undefined method `content_type' for "Photo.jpg":String   end end

The request parameters from rails' traceback are:

Parameters: {"photo"=>{"creator"=>"Siemen", "uploaded_file"=>"Photo.jpg"}, "multipart"=>"true", "commit"=>"Create"}

So also a string here...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!



I'm having a headache with file upload in rails..

In short, the problem boils down to the upload form giving me a String containing the file name of the uploaded file instead of the IO object it should give me to access the file's content and MIME type.   

did you set tour form to send multipart encoding? If not, that's the problem


javier ramírez

Hi list,

I'm having a headache with file upload in rails..

In short, the problem boils down to the upload form giving me a String containing the file name of the uploaded file instead of the IO object it should give me to access the file's content and MIME type.

I have checked and Peak Obsession, but the problem seems not to occur there... I also have spent quite some time searching google and this list on this issue, but nothing that succeeded to enlighten me came up..

I'm using rails v. 1.2.1.

I have a view with a file upload form:

<% form_tag :action => 'create', :multipart => true do %>   <%= file_field('photo', 'uploaded_file') %>   <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <% end %>

Try this: <% form_tag({:action => 'create'}, :multipart => true) do %>

The multipart option is not part of the url_for options so you have to make them explicitly separate.

Which renders to

<form action="/photos/create?multipart=true" method="post">   <input id="photo_uploaded_file" name="photo[uploaded_file]" size="30" type="file" />   <input name="commit" type="submit" value="Create" /> </form>

The database model has no column named 'uploaded_file' because this value is to be split into a field for the MIME and one for the content. So I added a setter method:

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base   def uploaded_file=(file)     self.mime = file.content_type # => Raises undefined method `content_type' for "Photo.jpg":String   end end

The request parameters from rails' traceback are:

Parameters: {"photo"=>{"creator"=>"Siemen", "uploaded_file"=>"Photo.jpg"}, "multipart"=>"true", "commit"=>"Create"}

So also a string here...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


In your controller, you probably want something like:

   def create      data = params[:photo].delete('uploaded_file') # HashWithIndifferentAccess still needs the actual key type to .delete

     @photo =[:photo])

     if data.blank?        flash[:error] = "No image file selected for upload"        redirect_to :action => 'new' and return      end      content =      if content.blank?        flash[:error] = "Selected upload file was empty"        redirect_to :action => 'new' and return      end      # you can then do stuff with the content or with:      # filename = data.original_filename      # content_type = data.content_type

     # eventually,      if      # OK      else      # too bad      end    end

I might have missed something that you want to do, but this ought to at least get you started.


Rob Biedenharn

did you set tour form to send multipart encoding? If not, that's the problem

I thought sI had

<% form_tag :action => 'create', :multipart => true do %>

However, this results in the multipart=true-thing being included in the url, not as an attribute of the form tag:

<form action="/photos/create?multipart=true" method="post">

Using more explicit () and {} solved it:

<% form_tag({:action => 'create'}, {:multipart => true}) do %>

gives me the correct form:

<form action="/photos/create" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">

Thank you very much for the helpful answer!


Yes, definitely. Thanks!

- Siemen