File upload and permissions


I upload a file with this model :

class Match < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :contest   belongs_to :user   has_many :comments

def replay=(uploaded_file)     @uploaded_file = uploaded_file     @filename = sanitize_filename(@uploaded_file.original_filename)   end

  def after_create     if !File.exists?(File.dirname(self.path_to_file))       FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(self.path_to_file))     end     if @uploaded_file.instance_of?(Tempfile)       FileUtils.copy(@uploaded_file.local_path, self.path_to_file)     else, "wb") { |f| f.write( }       File.chmod(755, self.path_to_file)     end     write_attribute(:replay, self.path_to_file)   end

  def after_destroy     if File.exists?(self.replay)       File.delete(self.replay)       Dir.rmdir(File.dirname(self.replay))     end   end

  def simple_path     "/files/#{}/#{sanitize_filename(self.replay)}"   end

  def path_to_file     File.expand_path("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/files/#{}/ #{@filename}")   end

  private   def sanitize_filename(file_name)     # get only the filename, not the whole path (from IE)     just_filename = File.basename(file_name)     # replace all none alphanumeric, underscore or perioids with underscore     just_filename.gsub(/[^\w\.\_]/,'_')   end end

The problem is that I can't download the file. The FileUtils.chmod won't work. I use apache/passenger.

the file directory : drwxrwxr-x 4 www-data sobert 4096 oct 16 13:39 files

and in file directory : drwxr-xr-x 2 sobert sobert 4096 oct 16 13:43 13

and in 13 directory : -rw------- 1 sobert sobert 275955 oct 16 13:43 Arakan_Citadel_54_mins.SC2Replay

How to set the permissions right In order to allow download ?

Thanks !