Failing Routes in deployment

I have an app that has the following in the routes file:

  namespace "admin" do     # ADMINISTRATIVE ROUTES ONLY     root :to => 'home#index'     resources :comments do       member do         get :approve         get :reject       end     end     resources :users do       member do         get :block         get :unblock       end     end   end

When browing to /admin locally, I am greeted by the appropriate page. On the same URL on the heroku version I get a 404. The route shows correctly in 'heroku rake routes'

Logs are showing:

ActionController::RoutingError (wrong constant name Admin/ homeController): /disk1/home/slugs/196384_c95a9e3_4463/mnt/.bundle/gems/gems/ activesupport-3.0.0.beta4/lib/active_support/inflector/methods.rb: 103:in `const_defined?'

Any ideas?

Anyone? From what I can see from the guides, what I am doing here is correct ( and-routing)

Does anyone have any pointers?

I have exactly the same problem, works locally (osx) but when deployed to Heroku I get a similar error has Neil has detailed above

Rails 3 b4.


It seems to be dependent on the environment the application is running in, development seems to work, I'm seeing a routing failure locally in production mode the same as Neil details above and also a 'staging' environment that I'm also running on Heroku

turns out to be nothing to do with Heroku....pointing the finger too early :slight_smile:

Seems to be a problem with Rails 3 Namescope routes (/admin) and the right_aws gem declared in both a production and staging environment in the Gemfile.
