Factory Girl, Spork and Cucumber - duplicate model classes

I am having a strange problem with FactoryGirl, Spork and Cucumber. It seems to be happening when on a 'before_validation' hook another model object is created and saved.

Below is a cut down version of the model in question. When it is created via FactoryGirl, I get this error:

Country(#28734490) expected, got Country(#28417320) (ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch)

class TuteonParent < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_one :address, :as => :addressable   has_one :fs_parent_profile

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :fs_parent_profile, :address

  validates_presence_of :address   validates_associated :address

  validates_presence_of :core_profile   validates_associated :core_profile

  validates_presence_of :fs_parent_profile   validates_associated :fs_parent_profile

  before_validation :create_fs_parent_profile

  def create_fs_parent_profile

    fs_parent_profile = FsParentProfile.new(       :state => address.country.name,       :curriculum_state => address.country.name,       :country => address.country,       :fs_curriculum_country => FsCurriculumCountry.find_by_country_id(address.country.id)     )

    self.fs_parent_profile = fs_parent_profile   end

... and the simplified Factory definition is as follows:

Factory.define :valid_parent, :class => Parent do |p|

  tp.address { Factory.create(:address) }


If anyone can shed some light on this would be much appreciated! Thank you


I forgot to add -

this is only an issue with Spork and Cucumber. Rspec and Spork run fine, and before I got Spork working (I think) this was working with Cucumber. I think it *may* have something to do with where I am loading the Factories or "require 'factory_girl'"

I tried to copy the layout from the RSpec spec_helper.rb. This is how my features/support/env.rb looks like:

require 'rubygems' require 'spork'

Spork.prefork do

  ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "test"   require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/ environment')

  require 'cucumber/formatter/unicode' # Remove this line if you don't want Cucumber Unicode support   require 'cucumber/rails/world'   require 'cucumber/rails/active_record'   require 'cucumber/web/tableish'

  require 'capybara/rails'   require 'capybara/cucumber'   require 'capybara/session'

  require 'factory_girl'

  Capybara.default_selector = :css

  ActionController::Base.allow_rescue = false   Cucumber::Rails::World.use_transactional_fixtures = true   if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)     begin       require 'database_cleaner'       DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation     rescue LoadError => ignore_if_database_cleaner_not_present     end   end


Spork.each_run do   require 'factory_girl_rails'   Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../spec/factories/ *.rb')).each {|f| require f } end

OK - solved this issue finally.

I used 'find' instead of the association:

  def create_fs_parent_profile     self.fs_parent_profile = FsParentProfile.new(       :state => address.country.name,       :curriculum_state => address.country.name,       :country => Country.find(address.country.id),       :fs_curriculum_country => FsCurriculumCountry.find_by_country_id(address.country.id)     )

well, I kinda feel like I am talking to myself here... but although solving this issue in one part of my app tests, it has come up in another:

I have a couple of Factories defined -

Factory.define :valid_student, :class => Student do |s|

  s.email { "#{Factory.next(:name)}@example.com" }   s.gender 'female'   s.date_of_birth { Factory.next(:dob) }   s.current_school { Factory.next(:school) }   s.current_school_year 10   s.core_profile { Factory.create(:student_profile) } # <---- this is causing an error   s.parent { Factory.create(:valid_parent, :tc_check => "1") }


Factory.define :student_profile, :class => CoreProfile do |cp|   cp.first_name 'Kelly'   cp.last_name 'Hope'   cp.user_name { Factory.next(:user_name) }   cp.password 'password'   cp.password_confirmation 'password' end

class Student < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_one :core_profile, :as => :core_profileable   accepts_nested_attributes_for :core_profile

  after_initialize :build_associations

  def build_associations     build_core_profile unless core_profile   end


The error is similar: CoreProfile(#26997920) expected, got CoreProfile(#29695630) (ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch)

Any tips on this would be received with much gratitude!

Thanks Adam

I'm experiencing the exact same problem Adam. I haven't been able to figure out what is causing it either...